DX Grant Policy

The mission of the TCDXA is to support DXing and the major DXpeditions by providing funding. Annual contributions (dues) from our members is the major source for the funding. Since 1997 the TCDXA has provided funding to almost 100 DXpeditions.

VP6R Pitcairn Island 2019

A funding request from the organizers of a planned DXpedition should be directed to the DX Grant Manager, Mike Cizek, WØVTT, mgcizek@gmail.com. He and the TCDXA Board of Directors will consider how well the DXpedition plans meet key considerations (see below).

If the Board of Directors deems the DXpedition to meet the criteria for support, a recommended grant amount will be proposed to the membership for a vote of approval. The Grant Manager will communicate the outcome of the vote to the requesting group. If approved, the TCDXA Treasurer will process the funding.

Key considerations for a DXpedition grant request:

DXpedition destinationWebsite with logos of club sponsors
Ranking on ClubLog Most Wanted ListQSLs with logos of club sponsors
Most wanted ranking by TCDXA membersOn-line logs and pilot stations
Logistics and transportation costsUp front costs to each team operator
Number of operators and their credentialsSupport by NCDXF and other clubs
Number of stations on the airPrevious operations by the same group
Bands, modes, and duration of operationValid licensing and DXCC approval
Equipment being usedLOTW log submission