Greetings from Minnesota, the Land of 10,000 Lakes and the home of the Twin City DX Association (TCDXA). This Amateur Radio (ham radio) website is devoted to TCDXA members and their interest in long distance radio communications (DX).

Our mission is to support DXing and DXpeditions with financial donations. Annual member donations and other contributions are the main source for these dollars. We have made grants to over 125 DXpeditions beginning with VKØIR in 1997 and continuing to the present. For a complete list of the DXpeditions we have funded see the Sponsored DXpeditions page.
The TCDXA was founded in 1970, and is an ARRL affiliated club whose members enjoy DXing and DX contesting. They range in age and expertise from hams just getting started in the hobby to old timers who have held a passion for DXing for decades. There are currently over 140 members in the TCDXA. Many of our members also belong to the Minnesota Wireless Association (MWA).
The TCDXA welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining us please visit Join the TCDXA page for more information. We invite you to our monthly meetings.
The TCDXA is a non-profit organization as described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. All contributions from U.S. residents are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.